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Helpful Reading Homework Hints...


At Home Rading Program:


1.) Frequency:

If you have time to read every evening that would be wonderful but reality is that we all have busy schedules and sometimes at the end of the day we might all just be tired and need a break.  Just put the reading aside and try again tomorrow.  There is to be no timelines on this at home reading program however, current research has shown that in order for a child to become a more effective reader they need a lot of practice (1 ½ to 2 hours per day).  Please keep the book and continue practicing with your child until they are able to read the book successfully and independently.  Each child has their own level of independent reading and will be able to read some books better than others.  The stories that I will be sending home have high frequency words in each story and some words will be familiar to your child and others will take some/a lot of practice.  Do not get discouraged, each opportunity for your child to practice reading will only expose them to more words and the opportunity to become a more improved reader. 


2.) Initial Helpful Hints:

Please consider using the following guidelines when reading with your child:


  • Do a “picture walk” through the book with your child.Don’t read the words just go page by page and see if they can predict or tell you what they think might be occurring in the story.Example: “What do you see on this page?What do you think will happen next or is that person happy or sad?”Your child is familiar with this process.Your child may later use this process as a reading strategy, using the pictures to identify words.We call this strategy “reading the pictures,” and we know that successful readers use this strategy.

  • You read the story to your child.

  • Read the story together.

  • Child reads the story independently.

  • Ask comprehension questions using; Who, What, Where, How and Why questions.Ask your child to sequence the events of the story, make a prediction, draw a conclusion or make a connection to their own life and main idea.



3.) Re-tell Bookmarks: Combine sequencing with visual cues to help students re-tell a story from beginning, to the middle and to the end.



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